September 12, 2014

Street Spinach: Hilton Cafe Spinach Sandwich Melt

Had to share.

I knew my boss had good taste...this is yummy melt my boss got out to lunch at Hilton Cafe in Ferndale MI. If I knew this sandwich came fully equipped with spinach, I would have likely ordered it as opposed to my standard soup that day. Though I must say...if you are a soup fan, you'll be a fan of all the soup Hilton Cafe offers. 

I found this image of Effie the owner and the interior on urbane apts -- and it's very telling! I think there will likely be a lot more Hilton Cafe sourced spinach goodness featured here...because I go there all of the time. And Effie knows how to cook some spinach! 

So if you had to take a wild guess about where I am around lunch time on any given day...chances are it's here!


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