June 20, 2014

Spinach Dip from Beau Jack's Birmingham

For months, and maybe even years by now, my good friend The Rita Way would boast on and on (and on...) about Beau Jack's spinach dip. How it's THE spinach dip that she measures all other spinach dips against.

Obviously, this piqued Spinach Blog's interest. 

So we booked a date in our calendars and made the venture to Beau Jack's with The Rita Way to try this infamous spinach dip once and for all.

And it was delicious! 

Our favorite thing about this spinach dip was the crispies on top. Not all spinach dips are created equal -- not all spinach dips have the crispies. 

Honestly, I don't know if I would say this is THE spinach dip I would measure all other spinach dips against. I don't think I have come across one of those. Most spinach dips I've tried have unique qualities that make them good spinach dips and are all delightfully cheesy in their own unique cheese combinations sort of ways. 

This spinach dip is actually more subtle on the sharp cheeses than others I've tried. So if you enjoy more of the lighter, creamed spinach tasting spinach dips, topped with a crispy golden crunch, then topped with the sound of a live pianist...this is for you. 

Let us know what YOU think! Browse through their menu or stop by their Bloomfield location here

Spinach on,


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