June 10, 2014

Tip Tuesday: Clear Your Fridge

I'm not a psychic, but I know what you're thinking. "What in the world is that?"

That, my friends, is what a fridge purge looks like. A fridge purge is when you purge your fridge of those things that you keep telling yourself you should eat, but keep putting back on the shelf as leftovers for tomorrow's dinner. Tomorrow was a week ago. You need to eat these things before your next round of groceries. Or else.

Once a week, or once every couple weeks, instead of trying your hardest to be Julia Child in the kitchen, just be yourself. Eat those guilty pleasures (aka...Stouffer's Lasagna and Pizza Bites...) that have been sitting in your freezer for weeks. Eat the left over scraps of rotissery chicken from Kroger. I know you probably told yourself that you're saving the carcass to use in homemade chicken broth, but let's be real, if it's been a week and you're kitchen has produced no homemade chicken broth, it's probably not happening. Eat whatever's left. Throw carcass away.

That awkward tiny amount of Tabouleh left over from the weekend? Not really enough for dinner...but not small enough to throw away. Eat this at your fridge purge. This (above) is an example of one of our most recent fridge purges. As you can see, dumplings from the Asian grocery store, Tabouleh, rotissery chicken, sliced ripe avocados, and Stoffers Lasagna are not typically what you might have for dinner on any given night. But this seemingly crazy dinner actually did a lot more than just appear crazy. It cleared stuff out of the fridge and freezer, it kept our interest, and it tasted great! Asian dumplings and Italian lasagna? Why not! Avocadaos from Mexico will join them all together.


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